Learning Outcomes
The Department of Chemical Engineering exists to provide strong and unique support of Brigham Young University's mission to "assist individuals in their quest for perfection and eternal life" (BYU Mission Statement). This is to be done through an educational experience that is "spiritually strengthening, intellectually enlarging, and character building, thus fitting students with the skills and desire for lifelong learning and service." (BYU Aims Document). In accordance with the expectations of the Accrediation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) and the Northwest Accreditation Committee (NWAC), the department has developed a set of Student(ABET)/Learning(NWAC) Outcomes which the program is preparing graduates to achieve. (Learning Outcomes = ABET Student Outcomes)
Information on the Student(ABET)/Learning(NWAC) Outcomes can be found here
Assessment/Evaluation Plan
To continuously improve student achievement of the outcomes, the department assesses student performance in each outcome every semester. This is done using direct methods by the faculty and indirect methods by the students. The data collected every semester is discussed in the department undergraduate committee and recommendations for improvements are given to each instructor. To "close-the-loop" and ensure improvements are being made, instructors are required to explain in writing how they addressed the recommendations given by the committee the next time the course is taught.
Assessment Data
The files below are the summaries of the assessments of the Student(ABET)/Learning(NWAC) Outcomes done in each course. These data are used by the undergraduate committee to make changes to the curriculum.
Data F05
Data W06
Data F06
Data W07
Data F07
Data W08
Data F08
Data W09
Data F09
Data W10
Data F10
Data W11
Data F11
Data W12
Data F12
Data W13
Data F13
Data W14
Data F14
Data W15
Data F15
Data W16
Data F16
Data W17
Data F17
Data W18
Data F18
Data W19
Data F19
Data W20
Data F20
Data W21
Data F21
Data W22
Data F22
Data W23
Data F23
Data W24
Recommendations (ABET Evaluation)
The files below are the recommendations given by the undergraduate committee based upon the course-level assessment done each semester. Each file contains the identifiers Feedback Loop, Ongoing Feedback Loop, Closed Feedback Loop that demonstrates how we "close the loop" on the assessment/evaluation/action/reassessment process.
Recommendations W09
Recommendations F09
Recommendations W10
Recommendations F10
Recommendations W11
Recommendations F11
Recommendations W12
Recommendations F12
Recommendations W13
Recommendations F13
Recommendations W14
Recommendations F14
Recommendations W15
Recommendations F15
Recommendations W16
Recommendations F16
Recommendations W17
Recommendations F17
Recommendations W18
Recommendations F18
Recommendations W19
Recommendations F19
Recommendations W20
Recommendations F20
Recommendations W21
Recommendations F21-W22
Recommendations F22-W23
Recommendations F23-W24