ChEn 499 Mentored Research and Thesis Skip to main content

ChEn 499 Mentored Research and Thesis

Writing is an essential element of the Engineering Problem Solving through Experiential Learning (EPSEL) experience. After several years of undergraduate research with a faculty member, an undergraduate may be prepared to write an article suitable for submission for publication in a peer-reviewed technical journal. The student should consult with and receive approval from their faculty advisor before registering for ChEn 499. The student may then take this course to fulfill their EPSEL technical elective requirement by writing this manuscript that documents their research contributions. Co-authors are allowed, but the student should be either the first author or a significant equal author who has written a major portion of the manuscript, which constitutes their thesis. No formal page number requirements are set, but typical manuscripts are around 30 pages of double-spaced writing, including figures, tables, and references. The student’s faculty research advisor will assist the student with necessary revisions of their thesis and will ultimately judge the adequacy of the manuscript to assign the grade for the course. See course syllabus here.