ChEn 461 Chemical Engineering Problem Solving through Experiential Learning Skip to main content

ChEn 461 Chemical Engineering Problem Solving through Experiential Learning

ChEn 461 is designed to provide a “Capstone-like” experience during which students perform the work of a practicing engineer in industry. Completion of the course with a passing grade fulfills students’ Engineering Problem Solving through Experiential Learning (EPSEL) technical elective requirement. Engineers and engineering managers from various companies in industry will be sponsors and will provide projects from a broad range of chemical engineering topics that align with their business interests and current project load. Fulfilling the objectives of these projects will have real world impacts on the success of programs within the sponsoring organization. Student teams will be assigned to projects and will interface directly with the project sponsor. The student team will develop, present, and defend a proposal for project solution. The student teams, along with the sponsor and a department coach, will develop a list of deliverables satisfying the objective of the project and will agree on how those deliverables will be incorporated into the grading strategy for the class. Deliverables will include, at minimum, interim reports in the form of presentations and a final written formal report and presentation. The final written report will be weighted heavily in the final course grade. Expectations on format, length, and content will be provided during the course.