Chemical Engineering Department Prerequisite Petition Form Skip to main content

Chemical Engineering Department Prerequisite Petition Form



Process for Seeking Approval to Register for a Course When Prerequisites Are Not Complete
Ch En 263Ch En 170Only by petition.
Ch En 263Math 113The department academic advisor can issue add code provided the student is registering for Math 113 concurrently with Ch En 263.
Ch En 273Ch En 263The department academic advisor can issue add code provided the student is registering for Ch En 263 concurrently with Ch En 273. 
Ch En 273Chem 106/112The department academic advisor can issue add code provided the student is registering for either Chem 106 or Chem 112 concurrently with Ch En 273. 
Ch En 291STDEV 317By petition
Ch En 451Ch En 436, 476Only by petition. See the form on the following page. Petitions require approval by the course instructor and the department undergraduate committee.

Any other deviations from the prerequisite schedule for Chemical Engineering courses must be approved by petition to the undergraduate committee. Students must use the form on the next page, which requires approval by both the course instructor and the department undergraduate committee.

Petitions will only be approved in uncommon circumstances, such as to accommodate a co-op experience.

Poor course planning, failing/withdrawing from/incomplete prerequisite courses, not knowing or misunderstanding requirements, and other such excuses are not valid reasons for waiving prerequisites—even if graduation is delayed—and will result in denial of the waiver.

In all cases where waivers are granted, the burden is on the student to do remedial preparations for the course in question.

Chemical Engineering Department Petition to Waive Prerequisites
Instructions: Fill out the top portion of the form, attach a copy of your course plan for graduation and submit the form. This petition will be sent to the department advisor. After the Chemical Engineering Undergraduate Committee has considered your petition the advisor will email you the results.
Instructor and committee approval
Graduation plan attached?
The petition will not be considered without the plan.